Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Navaja de Occam

Clearly as the Navaja de Occam states so, the easier solution is probably the correct one.
la solución más sencilla es probablemente la correcta.

Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem, o «No ha de presumirse la existencia de más cosas que las absolutamente necesarias». Dont presume the Existence of more things but of the absolute necessaries..

The Principles of Occam indicates that explanations never have to multiply the causes without necessity, the must easiest explanation is probably the better, so why is it that we intelligently have to create such a complex and rigid explanation for ourselves, we feel our feelings and emotions are the ones controlling the core of our true psyche and we let ourselves go into thinking backwards, into the repetitive system of words..

but we also come to the conclusion whatever happens will happen anyways, and it fully contradicts the Navaja de Occam which comes into a paradox, for which the existence if better than all other worlds.

The Existencial knowledge is that which is true and universal, even after going into the world of experience, since you dont depend on the experience, its true fundamental is pure transcendental conditions that not only depend on the past experiences but that are the conditions that make possible the objectivity of the experience. But how do we know that its truly what the sense of the Experience is when we are in the middle of a hard time. if is all for the sake of the Experience and the true purpose is to fulfill the objective of the cause and effect, then the world will be more compassionate and understanding and would take it less seriously leading to a possible happier or lead it to its true destruction..

Create the world to then be destroyed!!!

How can you be in the experience of the self without being in the body which "governs" the senses of the true experience YOU CANT! or CAN YOU?
Senses and Emotions are triggered by a few effects on the Physical Body so HOW? can this experience be taken out into the outside of the physical..

The "knowledge" is HUMAN!! subject to the Transcendental Conditions that cant be superated into the realm of the outside of the Experience. therefor Metaphysics cant be fully proved for which the requirement of a preliminary body is needed to carry away the experiment..

Cause and Effect - Expansion - Attraction - Love - Hate - Understanding - NoNNNN Understanding..

Maybe perfect chaos? an experiment created by a godly geek a voyeur of reality, perhaps we are nothing but an evolutionized program that is yet to be discovered and patch..

or maybe is just nothing but an excuse to keep us living, a "motive" a sense of "hope" to keep us busy and continue the path of existence via procreating, continuing the mutation and procreation of the virus..

Yet the must absolute and dominant virus in earth is you and me..

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